Laz Simons

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12 May: nti says ‘Thank You’

Reading Time: 4 minutesYOU SHOULD BE SITTING DOWN FOR THIS. THANKS, MR TRUCK DRIVER. Let’s say nature called and you sat down without noticing the loo paper hadn’t been replaced. You’d send out an SOS to your partner, children, or flatmate and they’d bring you the silky relief your dignity and buttocks desired,…


16 Apr: PERFORMANCE ANXIETY: I’m imagining you naked, reading this

Reading Time: 4 minutesPERFORMANCE ANXIETY: I’M IMAGINING YOU NAKED, READING THIS Copyright of the copywriter: Lazrus Before advertising (and writing in the third person), Lazrus was a musician. Having performed in front of huge crowds (+35,000 people), he knows the stress and anxiety involved in gearing up for a show. So when asked…